(Grade 2-3)
Recommended apps/tools to help kids learn
Lightbot (app)
This app is well designed with clear instructions on what they need to do. It can get tricky in some levels, but it is nice to start for kids to learn how to give instructions
Ref: Lightbot
codeSpark (app)
This app is one of the best well designed and fun app for kids to play and learn coding. This also has a section that help kids to make a game or story by using instructions.
Ref: CodeSpark
SpriteBox (app)
This app has better graphic and animation compare to Lightbot and has a better story to follow. But in some levels it can get a little difficult
Ref: SpriteBox
ScratchJr (app)
This app will give the kids the freedom to build what they like with very easy and simple tools. They can make a game and play with each other. This is the very beginning to the coding world.
Ref: ScratchJr (web)
This website is very well designed with nice curriculum and tutorials will guide kids through the steps.
Recommended course
Grade 2: Course C
Grade 3: Course D
Dash&Dot (robot)
This nice, cute and fun robot, is one of the best robots to help kids to learn how they can give instructions to a robot and write a program by putting actions steps by step together
Ref: Wonder workshop