
(Grade 6-7)

Recommended apps/tools to help kids learn

This website is very well designed with nice curriculum for all ages. This course (Computer Science Discovery) is an introduction course to the world of computer science.

Recommended course

Computer Science Discoveries


A fantastic place for kids to explore the 3D world and build whatever they can imagine. This website has made the complex 3D design into a simple tool with lots of training materials.

This is a fantastic website for kid to start building 3D objects and be able to print them using 3D printer.


ScratchJr (app)

This app will give the kids the freedom to build what they like with very easy and simple tools. They can make a game and play with each other. This is the very beginning to the coding world.

Ref: ScratchJr

Dash&Dot (robot)

This nice, cute and fun robot, is one of the best robots to help kids to learn how they can give instructions to a robot and write a program by putting actions steps by step together

Ref: Wonder workshop

Sphero (robot)

This nice, cute and fun robot, is one of the best robots to help kids to learn how they can give instructions to a robot and write a program by putting actions steps by step together

Ref: Sphero